The effects of music on expression and education

From their first garbled versions of nursery rhymes to the teenage pop idols, children embrace and love music in all its form. With good reason, pregnant mothers are even encouraged to play soothing music to their unborn child. Since the beginning of time, humans have created music. Its various forms can soothe, inspire and invigorate, as well as create feelings of nostalgia and joy.
According to Ludwig van Beethoven: “Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents.”

Music matters 

Learning to express ourselves through the medium of music starts from nursery upwards, and UK high schools have music as a curriculum subject.
However, there’s plenty of evidence that it has value as an educational tool beyond the confines of set timetable slots.
After all, many people have music playing throughout their daily lives, so should children always learn in silence? Sometimes lack of sound can be as distracting as loud noises.

Music’s many advantages

Particularly in the young, music can help regulate mood and boost energy levels. It can also help children and young people to relax, and release tension, part of its value in providing a platform for greater focus.
Music can also stimulate imaginations. “Feeling” different sound qualities and patterns can help children with their storytelling, for example. This makes it a starting point to stimulate conversation between students or teacher to pupil.It’s not all about background music. Movement and singing can be enjoyable but can also energise and prepare young brains for learning.Much of education is about expanding the developing brain. One of the best ways to achieve this is to teach using patterns and sequences. Music is based on those very principles. Fun education that involves songs and dance can help embed important information.
The best example is the way adults find themselves mentally singing their way through the alphabet, to recall the letter sequence they need.

How to introduce more classroom music

As with so much of modern education, balance is important. Music can be distracting at times too, and some forms can be jarring and inappropriate in a classroom.
However, educational technology provides limitless potential for music making and playing opportunities, to create a fun learning environment. It can provide music for atmosphere, to underpin attention, to change attitude, help with memory or for personal expression and fun. Ninos tablets are the ideal way to introduce more music into classrooms, especially when fitted with headphones to provide individual control and containment. The Ninos Soundcode is the perfect way to listen – get yours online today!
If you need more information, we would happily “tune in” to your queries.

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