How can technology improve learning in schools?

Technology is advancing nowadays at a rate that is higher than ever seen before. As you may imagine, the education sector has seen its fair share of technological developments, and it has changed the way in which children learn. Though some may question the role of technology within the education system, there are certainly ways it has led to some massive improvement.

Here are four such ways technology can help improve learning in schools.

1. A global environment

Technology acts as a means to break down physical barriers, and open students up to the world around them. This means easier access to information on how others live, as well as enabling interaction with other children around the world. This creates a broader range of experience and improves a child’s abilities to understand the world they live in and the role they play.

2. A helping hand

Before technology in schools, a teacher was the primary source of information. With growing demands on teachers and increasing classroom sizes, technology has given them a helping hand. Students can find answers to probing questions from the palm of their own hands using a variety of different devices.

3. Faster feedback

The evolution of websites and applications that allow online testing means students can get rapid feedback and results on tests. No longer do teachers need to manually mark and grade assignments and tests. Instead, they can get immediate, computer-generated results and relevant, targeted feedback to improve future learning.

4. Make learning fun

It is often difficult to encourage a passion for learning amongst children, but new devices allow learning to become a fun experience. There is now a whole host of learning-orientated games which can be played on a number of devices. This has improved the passion that children have for learning and increased their ability to absorb new information.

Computers were amongst the first major technological developments in classrooms, but a variety of devices have followed. Here at Niños Global Tech, we have a developed a whole range of learning tablets and smartwatches which are specifically designed for a classroom environment.

These devices have been a tremendous success all around the world. In fact, Niños tablets are now available in some schools around Nigeria, and in the future we hope to source other areas of Africa too. Before now, they could have only dreamed of such a resource. Instead, students across Nigeria have access to a wealth of information, and the burden on a lack of sufficient teaching resources has been greatly reduced. Find out more about the educational technology that we offer here.



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